My favorite fiction book is Leven Thumps And The Gate Way To Foo. I think in order for a fiction book good he has to be extremely fake but it has to have at least some things that are really in it but mostly fake. It should have a lot of detail in it so the reader will get more in to the story. It has to be able to suck people in to it tell they have read the hole thing. Most of the really exciting fiction books all ways leave you guessing at the end of every chapter and and the end of the book most of the time. I think the best way to make a fiction book is to make it a movie first and then make it a book. most of the books that they mad movies first sold a lot of books because a lot of people watch the movie and then want to read the book to see if it was any thing like the movie. A lot of the times the movies are way better then the books well at least i think they are but who am i to say any thing about it i don't read books my self some one has to read them to me or i just don't read it because i cant hold still and focus for very long. Thats another thing that makes fiction books good books is if they have pictures in it because their are a lot of people that don't want to read a lame 400 page book unless their are at least a picture in each chapter but it would be even better with more pictures then just that. More people are fans of the fiction books then non fiction because fiction books are more adventure like where non fiction are more like biographies on people i mean no body wants to read that even if their is pictures. Well their is some non fiction books that people like to read like that one i am reading now but thats besides the point. My point is it really don't take a lot to write a good fiction story all you really have to do is have a really crazy out their wild mind and you have to be able to tell a crazy made up story that makes cents honestly thats all it take well for most people in less their like me some people are better at telling stories then writing them so if thats the case you can tell the story and as you are telling them your story as them to wright it down for you plain and simple that really all their is to it. At least thats all i think their is to it but i could be wrong i mean after all i have never written a fiction book but i have read a few and thats pretty much the basics of all of the books i have red.
About Me

- Amie H.
- Well my name is Amie. I am 14. I live in Provo Utah. I am the middle kid in my family. I have blond hair and hazel eyes. I am a very random person. I get a long with other people pretty well most of the time and i look foreword to meeting new people every day. I love animals! I don't have a very exciting life at all and i am pretty fun to be around. I all most all ways have a positive attitude towered every thing. Well know you know a little about me. O and one more thing i am very loud most of the time. :D
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