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About Me

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Well my name is Amie. I am 14. I live in Provo Utah. I am the middle kid in my family. I have blond hair and hazel eyes. I am a very random person. I get a long with other people pretty well most of the time and i look foreword to meeting new people every day. I love animals! I don't have a very exciting life at all and i am pretty fun to be around. I all most all ways have a positive attitude towered every thing. Well know you know a little about me. O and one more thing i am very loud most of the time. :D

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

About me! :)

My name is Amie. I am 14 soon to be 15 in may. I am in 9th grade. I have 5 people in my family including my self. I have to sisters no brothers and my parents that live with me. I was born on may 12, 1995. i lived in Provo most of my life. I am a very random person. I get a long with most people really well. I guess you could say i have had a pretty intense past like year and a half. last year like the end of the first month of school i fell in the shower and hit my arm on the soap dish busted the soap dish and split my arm open all the way to the bone! It was sick! I had to get 15 stitches for it i got 4 on the in side and 11 on the out side. Now i got this nasty scare on my elbow where that happened but on the bright side the doctor said i got look and missed all the major nerves and stuff. then i got kicked out of school (expelled) on my birthday last year. I was in the process of moving up to Orem on my birthday as well. I was really excited to move up to Orem because i had lived in Provo my hole life and because my best friend had moved up to Orem the year before. We thought we would be going to the same schools but we were wrong we went to different schools witch sucked but all well nothing i could do about it. So after i moved up to Orem my other best friend moved up their and i thought for sure she would be going to the same school as me or my other best friend but i was wrong again all 3 of us went to different schools witch made me mad because i didnt know any body that was going to my school. Then 3 weeks before school started i was hanging out with my best friend and i got hit by a truck on state street. The truck hit me i flipped landed on my face and slide across the road but it did not knock me out or brake any of my bones or any thing like that at lest that is what the doctor said. It just messed up my face and made me look sad i was not allowed to look at my self in the mirrors for like 2 weeks because every time i did it made me wanna cry because my faced looked so sad. Then the day before school started i barley got registered for canyon view jr high so i all most did not get to start school on time. Then like 3 weeks after school started one of my cats that we have had for 17 years was dieing so we had to put her to sleep o that was horrible it feels like your sister is dieing o that was the sadest and hardest week after that day. then like 3 4 months after my mom had some thing removed from her body and they removed it just on time the doctor said if we would of waited any longer my mom would have died. This year i have not been going to school a hole lot between the days i have went to school and the days have not went to school i have missed more school then i have went to this year its because i did not have any friends at school i was a loner every time i would make a friend at school the would move within the following week or so. I finely started making friends at school 4 weeks or so ago. and a week later i got locked up. I was in dt for 5 days i come home and fined out we are moving by the next weekend we have to be moved out so now that i had started making friends i was the one moving witch sucked. We finely moved back to Provo and every thing has been going great so far i hope it stays this way. So that is a little bit about me and my life hope you enjoyed reading this!

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