About Me

- Amie H.
- Well my name is Amie. I am 14. I live in Provo Utah. I am the middle kid in my family. I have blond hair and hazel eyes. I am a very random person. I get a long with other people pretty well most of the time and i look foreword to meeting new people every day. I love animals! I don't have a very exciting life at all and i am pretty fun to be around. I all most all ways have a positive attitude towered every thing. Well know you know a little about me. O and one more thing i am very loud most of the time. :D
Monday, March 29, 2010
If you could be any character in a story who would you be? explain why.
If I could be any character in a story I would be an invisible vampire. I would be out all the time even in the sun shine scents I am invisible and all the sun shine dose not affect me like most vampires. Why because it would be the coolest thing ever, I would be the only invisible vampire ever made. Lets be honest here who wouldn't wanna be a freaking awesome invisible vampire and the only on at that. I mean its way better then being a freaking dog with super powers or some thing lame like that. I have all ways wanted to be some thing that is invisible and that can transform in to some thing and fly. I mean that would be the coolest thing ever to bad it will never happen but i mean a person can all ways dream right? But then again I have all ways wanted to be a lot of different things like a rock star be we all know thats not going to happen because i cant sing or play any thing. So even if you put your mined to some thing you cant all ways do it even if you try you hardest but you can all ways dream. If i was an invisible vampire i think i would fly most of the time I mean i would walk some times but I mean why walk if you can fly. and i would constantly fallow people and play tricks on them mess with their heads a little bit I know thats not very nice but hey i never said I was a very nice person now did I. Im pretty sure any body else would do the same thing if they where invisible wouldn't they? Ha ha halloween would be the best time to do it that and april fools day o man that would be priceless. Thats pretty much all I would do if i was an invisible vampire.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
what is your favorite fiction book? what makes fiction books good?
My favorite fiction book is Leven Thumps And The Gate Way To Foo. I think in order for a fiction book good he has to be extremely fake but it has to have at least some things that are really in it but mostly fake. It should have a lot of detail in it so the reader will get more in to the story. It has to be able to suck people in to it tell they have read the hole thing. Most of the really exciting fiction books all ways leave you guessing at the end of every chapter and and the end of the book most of the time. I think the best way to make a fiction book is to make it a movie first and then make it a book. most of the books that they mad movies first sold a lot of books because a lot of people watch the movie and then want to read the book to see if it was any thing like the movie. A lot of the times the movies are way better then the books well at least i think they are but who am i to say any thing about it i don't read books my self some one has to read them to me or i just don't read it because i cant hold still and focus for very long. Thats another thing that makes fiction books good books is if they have pictures in it because their are a lot of people that don't want to read a lame 400 page book unless their are at least a picture in each chapter but it would be even better with more pictures then just that. More people are fans of the fiction books then non fiction because fiction books are more adventure like where non fiction are more like biographies on people i mean no body wants to read that even if their is pictures. Well their is some non fiction books that people like to read like that one i am reading now but thats besides the point. My point is it really don't take a lot to write a good fiction story all you really have to do is have a really crazy out their wild mind and you have to be able to tell a crazy made up story that makes cents honestly thats all it take well for most people in less their like me some people are better at telling stories then writing them so if thats the case you can tell the story and as you are telling them your story as them to wright it down for you plain and simple that really all their is to it. At least thats all i think their is to it but i could be wrong i mean after all i have never written a fiction book but i have read a few and thats pretty much the basics of all of the books i have red.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
My thoughts and feelings about being grounded.
My thoughts about grounding are honestly I think if you get grounded or punished their should be a good reason for it. Like if you broke the law or some thing big like that. I don't think its right when people get grounded for having bad grades. I understand why some people get grounded for stuff like bad grades because their parents want them to do good in school and graduate on time with all their friends. But I think its stupid when people get grounded because their not passing all there classes with a B+ or higher. I think its point less to ground kids when in all of their classes they are passing with a B- or lower i think you should only ground kids if their failing one or more classes with an F but even then i don't fined it all that fare because some kids cant pass all there classes with a C or D. I honestly think that if you get grounded it should be because you stole some thing or got in a fight or you have missed so much school that you had to go to court for it honestly if it has some thing to do with breaking the law or going to court then i fined that fair. I don't think adults should be able to ground you just because of your grades or because you did clean the house when you were told to. adults should only be able to take things away like your phone, ipod, TV, TV privileges, Computer privileges stuff like that. Unless you wont clean your room and it looks like a black hole witch U am pretty sure all most every teenagers room is a black hole then thats when you make them sleep in a room with nothing in it and wont let them in their room to get any thing unless they are going in their to clean it. I honestly think their is no reason to ground some one unless they broke the law in any way shape or form. I know all kids say its not fair when they do some thing wrong and get grounded for it because they do have to learn from their mistakes but their is other ways then grounding to teach them what is wrong and to teach them how to learn from their mistakes. Well most of the time their is other ways but some time some people try every thing they can and the kid just wont learn thats when you ground them. Ha then maby just maby so many kids wont say ( I swear they grounded me just because they can.) or ( I swear they grounded me just because they realized I haven't been grounded in a while.) If you think about it this is why so many kids are all ways so pissed off its because they are constantly grounded for stupid things. I think if adults weren't allowed to ground kids for little things I honestly think the world would a better place to live or at least just a little better.
Friday, March 19, 2010
what should you do if you or a friend are thinking about suicide???
Well honestly i think if a friend is thinking about suicide you should talk to them. Try to fined out exactly what is going on with them and their life. Try to figure out how you can help them with their problems. If they tell you what happened and you cant think of any way to fix it you can all ways think about things that help you get threw life. Share some personal experiences with them. let them know your all ways going to be their for them and you will try and help them in any and every way shape and form. If that dose not help tell them they should talk to an expert some one that deals with people that have problems like that all the time. I would hope that their was a way to make them change their mined about every thing and make them think twice before doing things like that. Just make life fun and live life to the fullest. One thing i for sure would not do is give up all hope for them or just give up on them period.
Honestly if i was thinking of suicide i would talk to all of my friends about it ask them what i should do to help get my mined off of it. i would just talk to people and fined out what the best thing to do about the problem is and see if any body has away to fix it and make me think twice about every thing. then i would try my hardest to fix it on my own. If that did not help i would talk to an expert about it. i would hope that their was a way to make me change my mined about every thing and make me wanna live life to the fullest. I would try my hardest not to give up on my self and life.
I hope me and any of my friends never actually get as far as actually killing them self or trying to kill them self. If so i will just think to my self i wish they wouldn't have done it but I would all so sit and say to my self you cant change the past. For get about the past and focus on what is a head of you. I would all so say to my self every thing happens for a reason even if you don't all ways know what the reason is. Every thing happens because god wants it to if god didn't want it to happen then it wouldn't have happened. So pretty much nothing happens unless god wants it to.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
About me! :)
My name is Amie. I am 14 soon to be 15 in may. I am in 9th grade. I have 5 people in my family including my self. I have to sisters no brothers and my parents that live with me. I was born on may 12, 1995. i lived in Provo most of my life. I am a very random person. I get a long with most people really well. I guess you could say i have had a pretty intense past like year and a half. last year like the end of the first month of school i fell in the shower and hit my arm on the soap dish busted the soap dish and split my arm open all the way to the bone! It was sick! I had to get 15 stitches for it i got 4 on the in side and 11 on the out side. Now i got this nasty scare on my elbow where that happened but on the bright side the doctor said i got look and missed all the major nerves and stuff. then i got kicked out of school (expelled) on my birthday last year. I was in the process of moving up to Orem on my birthday as well. I was really excited to move up to Orem because i had lived in Provo my hole life and because my best friend had moved up to Orem the year before. We thought we would be going to the same schools but we were wrong we went to different schools witch sucked but all well nothing i could do about it. So after i moved up to Orem my other best friend moved up their and i thought for sure she would be going to the same school as me or my other best friend but i was wrong again all 3 of us went to different schools witch made me mad because i didnt know any body that was going to my school. Then 3 weeks before school started i was hanging out with my best friend and i got hit by a truck on state street. The truck hit me i flipped landed on my face and slide across the road but it did not knock me out or brake any of my bones or any thing like that at lest that is what the doctor said. It just messed up my face and made me look sad i was not allowed to look at my self in the mirrors for like 2 weeks because every time i did it made me wanna cry because my faced looked so sad. Then the day before school started i barley got registered for canyon view jr high so i all most did not get to start school on time. Then like 3 weeks after school started one of my cats that we have had for 17 years was dieing so we had to put her to sleep o that was horrible it feels like your sister is dieing o that was the sadest and hardest week after that day. then like 3 4 months after my mom had some thing removed from her body and they removed it just on time the doctor said if we would of waited any longer my mom would have died. This year i have not been going to school a hole lot between the days i have went to school and the days have not went to school i have missed more school then i have went to this year its because i did not have any friends at school i was a loner every time i would make a friend at school the would move within the following week or so. I finely started making friends at school 4 weeks or so ago. and a week later i got locked up. I was in dt for 5 days i come home and fined out we are moving by the next weekend we have to be moved out so now that i had started making friends i was the one moving witch sucked. We finely moved back to Provo and every thing has been going great so far i hope it stays this way. So that is a little bit about me and my life hope you enjoyed reading this!
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