About Me

- Amie H.
- Well my name is Amie. I am 14. I live in Provo Utah. I am the middle kid in my family. I have blond hair and hazel eyes. I am a very random person. I get a long with other people pretty well most of the time and i look foreword to meeting new people every day. I love animals! I don't have a very exciting life at all and i am pretty fun to be around. I all most all ways have a positive attitude towered every thing. Well know you know a little about me. O and one more thing i am very loud most of the time. :D
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
How dose music fit into your life?
Honestly music is a huge part of my life with out it I would go nuts because music is what keeps me sane with out it i would be the most sad pissed off person in the world. Ha ha I couldn't imagine my life with out music its just not a pretty picture because all I ever do is listen to music well I mean I do other things but i am all most all ways listening to music. I listen to it when i am drawing, out side, in the shower, going to bed, in class on the buss, in the car, at the store I mean I could go on and on but I am not going to. With out music theirs just no point in life because theirs a lot of people who count on their music to support their families and stuff. I don't really have any thing to say about music besides I LOVE MUSIC! I really like music concerts to they are the best thing ever I mean I honestly I think their is no such thing as bad music I think every one should be just like me and love all kind of music their is no body should dislike any kind of music at all When I hear people say they hate certain kinds of music I just want to hit them in their face as hard as I possibly can because they usually say they don't like it because they have no meaning to them theirs no back ground story their like every one I have ever meet that hates country music say that but that's a lie because I have never herd any country song that doesn't have a good back ground story good meaning to it. Honestly I think the word HATE is a mean word and it just shouldn't be used because no body ever has a really good reason on why they hate some thing or some body so when people say it about music they should be shot because their is no reason for it I mean music helps you stay happy and get by in your life so saying you hate one kind of music is like saying you hate all music and if that's the case you need some serious therapy.
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