About Me

- Amie H.
- Well my name is Amie. I am 14. I live in Provo Utah. I am the middle kid in my family. I have blond hair and hazel eyes. I am a very random person. I get a long with other people pretty well most of the time and i look foreword to meeting new people every day. I love animals! I don't have a very exciting life at all and i am pretty fun to be around. I all most all ways have a positive attitude towered every thing. Well know you know a little about me. O and one more thing i am very loud most of the time. :D
Thursday, May 20, 2010
What would make a perfect vacation??
Honestly I think the perfect vacation to me I would have to say is any where out of Utah. Only because I have never in my life been out of Utah. but if I had a choice of where to go for the first time I would chose to go to Canada. I have heard that it is a really cool place and the language is not very different from the language that we speak here. So it wouldn't be very hard to learn it and I know a few people that where born their and they say its really pretty and they would give any thing to go back their but in some places in Canada its all ways really cold. When I went to Canyon View Jr High I learned about a mall in Canada in my geography class and that's what got me interested in Canada. I learned that they have a water park and a amusement park in it and I learned that its one of the largest malls in the world. When I seen pictures of it it got me excited and ever sense I have wanted to go to Canada. I really like the way they talk to it makes me laugh Because they don't talk a hole lot different then we do but they still talk different I don't know why but any body that talks different then we do it makes me laugh but not in a bad why like because I think its stupid or some thing just because its cool because it makes us sound kinda stupid. Ya I would like to live in Canada for a little bit or at least take like a 2 week long vacation their some time in my life but in tell then hey a girl can always dream can't she. :) If I ever do go to Canada I think I will take lots of pictures just so I can remember going their but I would do that if I ever go any where out of Utah witch I am hoping to do when I get older I at least want to go to 3 places out of Utah before I die That would make me the happiest person in the world especially if I go to more then 3 places out of Utah before I die.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
A rose without thorns is like love without heart break it just doesn't make sense.
Misshapes are like knives, that either serve us or cut us, as we grasp them by the blade or the handle.
Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.
My love lies bleeding.
Real loss only occurs when you lose something you love more then your self.
Relationships are like glass sometimes its better to leave them broken then try to hurt your self putting it back together.
Sadness fly away on the wings of time.
Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again skinned knees are easier to fix then broken hearts.
The best way to mend a heart is time and girlfriends.
Turn your wounds in to wisdom.
Their is something beautiful about all scares of what ever nature a scare means the hurt is over, the wound is healed, done with.
The weirdest thing happened the other morning... I woke up with tears in my eyes... And one rolling down my cheek... And I knew I must have been dreaming of you again.
Their are things we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn, and people we can't live with out but have to let go.
Their are times when I can't decide weather to see you or not I want to see you because I miss you but their are times when I don't want to see you because every time I do, the fact that you don't see me the way that I see you hurts me even more.
What Is the opposite of two? A lonely me, a lonely you.
Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, witch I find myself constantly walking around in the day time, And falling in at night. I miss you like hell.
We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.
If your going threw hell keep going.
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.
I expanded with the joy of your love and presence but now that your gone I just feel bloated.
the scares you can't see are the hardest to heal.
Let no one who love be unhappy... even love unreturned has its rainbow.
I'm holding a tear drop for a friend until has heartache and misery end.
Until I was 13 I thought my name was shut up.
For me there are only two types of women: goddesses and doormats.
Women: Cant live with them, can't burry them in the back yard with out the neighbors seeing.
Sometimes, when one person is missing the hole world seems depopulated.
Love is like a puzzle. When you're in love, all the pieces fit but when your heart gets broken, it takes a while to get every thing back together.
You flew off with the wings of my heart and left me flightless.
As soon as forever is threw I'll be over you.
The heart is the only broken instrument that works.
God can heal a broken heart, but he has to have all the pieces.
Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.
My love lies bleeding.
Real loss only occurs when you lose something you love more then your self.
Relationships are like glass sometimes its better to leave them broken then try to hurt your self putting it back together.
Sadness fly away on the wings of time.
Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again skinned knees are easier to fix then broken hearts.
The best way to mend a heart is time and girlfriends.
Turn your wounds in to wisdom.
Their is something beautiful about all scares of what ever nature a scare means the hurt is over, the wound is healed, done with.
The weirdest thing happened the other morning... I woke up with tears in my eyes... And one rolling down my cheek... And I knew I must have been dreaming of you again.
Their are things we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn, and people we can't live with out but have to let go.
Their are times when I can't decide weather to see you or not I want to see you because I miss you but their are times when I don't want to see you because every time I do, the fact that you don't see me the way that I see you hurts me even more.
What Is the opposite of two? A lonely me, a lonely you.
Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, witch I find myself constantly walking around in the day time, And falling in at night. I miss you like hell.
We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.
If your going threw hell keep going.
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.
I expanded with the joy of your love and presence but now that your gone I just feel bloated.
the scares you can't see are the hardest to heal.
Let no one who love be unhappy... even love unreturned has its rainbow.
I'm holding a tear drop for a friend until has heartache and misery end.
Until I was 13 I thought my name was shut up.
For me there are only two types of women: goddesses and doormats.
Women: Cant live with them, can't burry them in the back yard with out the neighbors seeing.
Sometimes, when one person is missing the hole world seems depopulated.
Love is like a puzzle. When you're in love, all the pieces fit but when your heart gets broken, it takes a while to get every thing back together.
You flew off with the wings of my heart and left me flightless.
As soon as forever is threw I'll be over you.
The heart is the only broken instrument that works.
God can heal a broken heart, but he has to have all the pieces.
More on my life hr
So my 15th birthday was on may 12. It was pretty freaking awesome if you ask me. let me run you threw that day. So I get up all though I didn't want to I don't even get out of my room before I get attacked my dog buddy. Then I walk up the stairs I am still pretty much a sleep and my mom freaking scares the crap out of me. Then my parents sing happy birthday pretty much all morning tell they went to work. then like 10 minuets before I have to leave for the bus my cousin came over brought me a balloon and some lay necklaces and suckers. Then we walk to the bus stop and she freaking silly strings me but its all good because she gave me the silly string after. Then I go to school and They school day goes by pretty freaking fast. I got so many happy birthdays from strangers and friends mostly from strangers. Then I went home and took a nice long nap then I woke up and we went to Los three amigos and then we went and got my birthday cake it was so cute and yummy to it was an ice cream cake. Then my parents gave me my birthday present witch was a really cool card and 50$ and then my cousin came over again and gave me 20$ and that's pretty much all we did but it was fun any ways. Then the fallowing Saturday I went camping with my aunt for her birthday it was pretty freaking sweet because I hadn't been camping in a few years so it was a nice change we went camping up at maple lake we went fishing their and I got sun burned really really bad but it was worth it because I caught my very first 2 fish ever in my life so I really didn't care that I got sun burned but any ways we ended are camping trip early because me aunt got sick the next day. Then yesterday we had my family party it was pretty fun I guess usually their a lot better but I ain't complaining. I would have to say the worst part of my weekend was when Chabacca texts me and said that she doesn't know if she is still going to come down this summer because her parents want her to go to Cali with them. But she is still trying to convince them to let her come down and visit her friends and family they are down here so it mad me kinda sad but not really because she said their is still a chance she is going to come down here this summer so I mean its not to bad but it was still the worst part of my weekend because I mean I haven't seen her in 2 years now and so just the thought of waiting a hole other year to see her sucks. But ya that's my life not very exciting I know but all well nothing I can really do about it.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
My life as we speek
O my goodness I don't even know where to start with this one. OK so about a month ago I started talking to one of my best friends named Desa who I hadn't talked to or seen cents I was hit by that damn truck any ways that made me that happiest person ever! I honestly didn't think I could be any happier tell like 2 weeks later I started talking to my old friend Cynni who I haven't seen or talked to cents like 5th grade. Then about 3 weeks ago that's when I started talking to my other best friend Chabacca who I haven't seen or talked to cents the last day of school in 7th grade because she moved to price. So I got even more excited then I was before. At this point I seriously didn't think I could get any happier then I was it just wasn't possible. But then on freaking Wednesday I got really pissed off at school for no reason and that just killed my good mood. Like I seriously wanted to beat the living crap out of some one at this point because I don't really know why but I am usually really talkative in my 8th period class like I wont shut up the teachers are all ways yelling at me to shut up and work but you know I get distracted really easy so that's why they are all ways yelling at me. Any ways so Wednesday in 8th period I was working on my A+ and surprisingly I didn't talk at all when I was doing it and It took me like 15 minuets to finish one apple because it was really confusing and it really frustrated me. Witch is weird because usually when I am on the computer no matter what I am doing I dint get frustrated it actually normally calms me down. So I was going to do another apple so I get threw the reading part and I start taking the practice test and I realised that the questions had nothing to do with what it told you in the reading part of it. So I got half way threw at this point I have been on for a half hour and all of a sudden I get this really big freaking headache my headache hit so hard that me head fell on the desk and I had a hard time holding it up and I had an even harder time concentrating I still haven't talked to any one at this point and now my head just heart so bad that I didn't feel like doing any thing but sleeping but you know I couldn't sleep because I was in class. So I was just like you know what I'm just going to read my dads book it will help get my mined off thing so I wont be so frustrated and maybe my head wont heart so bad. so I read for like a half hour still haven't talked to any body just did my school work witch is weird because I never do my school work in that class. Any ways so I read for a half hour and my head was just killing me way to bad I couldn't take it any more I was to frustrated and stuff and we only had 15 minuets of class left so I was just going to lay my head on the desk and try to sleep tell the bell rang. Its really weird because most people cant tell when some thing is wrong unless they have known me for a while and this kid that I sit next to in that class barley even knows me and he could tell that some thing was wrong how do I know. Well when I was lying my head down he asks me if I'm OK and I was like ya why hes like I don't really know your just usually full of energy and really talkative in this class and today you haven't said a word to any one and you look really depressed. So I was like no I'm fine just got a really bad headache and so hes like are you sure and I'm like ya then all of a sudden the teacher walks over and gets mad at me because I ain't doing my work and blah blah blah and I told her I had been doing school work and we just got in to an argument about my grades and stuff and this went on for 15 freaking minuets at this point the bell should ring any minuet and all I want to do is go home and they bell rang 3 minuets later then it was supposed to witch pissed me off even more. So I was in a bad really bad mood for the rest of that day. But then last Thursday I found out that Desa moved back to Provo and that shes going to Provo high from now on. So I got really excited because I haven't seen Desa In all most a year now and just when I thought my life couldn't get any better of course it didn't it only got worse. So I woke up Friday morning and I was thinking to my self today is going to be a good day. So first thing that happens I woke up later then I was supposed to so I didn't have a hole lot of time to get ready so when I was doing my hair it decided it hated me and didn't want to work for me so it to me for ever to do. But I still thought I was going to have a good day at school o hell no you know I usually don't get in trouble in my 2nd period class witch is my first class on even days. So I usually like going to that class o but not Friday well at first I was happy to go but then for some reason the teacher decided to get mad at me and make me exit out of my blog before I was done just to work on some thing I didn't even know how to do. So he got all mad at me what ever I did it the way I thought it was done and that was that so I was pissed off. But I wasn't going to let it get to me I didn't want it to ruin the rest of my day but I got to 4th period class and for some reason the teacher just likes to go on and on and on in that freaking class about freaking nothing and so that class all ways feels like it goes by extremely slow. And I have to sit behind Kelsey in that class witch for some reason she thinks she also has to go on and on and on about nothing as well witch pissed me off even more. But I still wasn't going to let it get to me so I go to the bathroom after 4th period and fined out that I bled threw my freaking pants so I was really pissed off. Still wasn't going to let it get to me. So me dad said he would come get me but tell he got their I had to go to 6th period witch is sewing and for some reason the teacher all ways gets mad at me. So I go to sewing and she has us clean the machines an she takes the blowy machine from me before I was completely done and she gets on up in my face and starts yelling at me because I was getting cheeked out and didn't finish what I was doing so she yells at me and I was so close to hitting her in the freaking face but then I just do what I was told and left then I was pissy for the rest of the day in tell about 8 o clock that day. That's when Skyler came over and hung out for like and hour witch made my day after that. Ah! I couldn't have been any happier then I was. :D Then yesterday I don't know it was just really weird I just got really mad at my mom like usual because she was just doing her usual pissing me off all well I got over it because I just didn't want to have to put up with it at the time. So any ways I was talking to my friend Chabacca and she told me she is coming down here this summer for at least a month witch o my goodness I haven't been this excited in a long time but then I started thinking I am going to cry when I see her because I haven't seen her in all most 2 years. Then I started thinking I know for fact I'm going to cry when she has to leave because I know I ain't going to be able to see her for a long time again but You know what HELL I'm still really freaking excited and cant wait to see her! then today I realized I turn 15 in 3 days. 3 DAYS! I CANT WAIT! because I get to start taking drivers ed really soon WOOHOO! So ya that's my life lately pretty intense I know! :D
Friday, May 7, 2010
Ugh have you ever noticed how most teachers are up tight, mean and grumpy all the time? Where most substitutes are laid back and don't really give a dang what you do as long as your working? Well I have all ways wondered why that is because every time I ask some one they all ways say I haven't noticed or I don't really know honestly. I think one reason most teachers are all ways so up tight, mean and grumpy is because they have to put up with the same kids every single day they don't really get a break from them except for on the weekends so they have to put up with the same crap every freaking day. But when their is a substitute they usually only know a few kids so they don't really know whats going to happen they don't have to put up with the same kids all day every day they usually work with a hole bunch of different kids so they are nice and laid back if you are respectful to them. Where with a teacher the kids usually don't care how they act. Honestly I think we should have different substitutes every day in stead of having this up tight teacher that likes to yell at you for their mistakes. I think if we did that or had teachers who are all ways laid back, happy and didn't really care about what you did as long as you were doing your school work. I mean if that's how it was maybe I would like going to school a lot more and maybe kids wouldn't be so pissed off all the time. I could be extremely wrong but honestly I don't think I am on this one. :)
free Write
Wouldn't it be cool if we could wear what ever the heck we wanted when ever the heck we wanted to with out getting in trouble for it. Ha ha if your like me you would probably want to walk around wearing nothing you would walk around naked twenty four seven ha only because close are over rated. Honestly I think cents guys can walk around with no shirt on girls should be abel to do it to as long as they have a braw and pants on it shouldn't matter. Its not fair how guys can pretty much do what ever they want when ever they want and they don' really get in trouble for it but when girls do it they get in trouble for it. I think its bull that guys get away with so much more then girls do its not fair! Because girls life's are so much harder then boys life's if you ask me cents girls have it so much harder we should be able to get away with a lot more then we do a lot more then boys do at that. I think god hates girls or some thing or he's just trying to prove that girls are stronger then guys because girls can stand a lot more pain then guys can. But honestly I will never know because I am not god so I couldnt tell you why guys get it so much easyer then girl. Honestly I thin girls should be able to wear what ever they want when ever they want even if it means they want to walk around naked they should be able to. But guys shouldnt be able to becuse I mean come on its only fair with how much they get away with and how much work girls have to do to get by in life I mean really girls should get at least this one thing but you know I could be wrong mabey I am the only one that thinks this but I honestly dout that. :)
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
How dose music fit into your life?
Honestly music is a huge part of my life with out it I would go nuts because music is what keeps me sane with out it i would be the most sad pissed off person in the world. Ha ha I couldn't imagine my life with out music its just not a pretty picture because all I ever do is listen to music well I mean I do other things but i am all most all ways listening to music. I listen to it when i am drawing, out side, in the shower, going to bed, in class on the buss, in the car, at the store I mean I could go on and on but I am not going to. With out music theirs just no point in life because theirs a lot of people who count on their music to support their families and stuff. I don't really have any thing to say about music besides I LOVE MUSIC! I really like music concerts to they are the best thing ever I mean I honestly I think their is no such thing as bad music I think every one should be just like me and love all kind of music their is no body should dislike any kind of music at all When I hear people say they hate certain kinds of music I just want to hit them in their face as hard as I possibly can because they usually say they don't like it because they have no meaning to them theirs no back ground story their like every one I have ever meet that hates country music say that but that's a lie because I have never herd any country song that doesn't have a good back ground story good meaning to it. Honestly I think the word HATE is a mean word and it just shouldn't be used because no body ever has a really good reason on why they hate some thing or some body so when people say it about music they should be shot because their is no reason for it I mean music helps you stay happy and get by in your life so saying you hate one kind of music is like saying you hate all music and if that's the case you need some serious therapy.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Summer plans
Well I say this every year when some body asks me the same question I all ways say I have no idea and I probably wont know tell summer comes and even then I bet I wont know tell I go do some thing but I am most likely going to have a lot of sleep overs with my amazing friends, go swimming, lay in the sun and tan a lot, take lots of long walks on the provo river trail, sit at home on my butt doing nothing all day, water fights and I am hoping to go camping at least once this summer but I honestly don't think that is going to happen but hey a girl can all ways dream cant she. Honestly I think thats about all I am going to do this summer because thats all I really ever do in the summer ha kinda boring I know all well its seems exciting at the time being. Ya so I would have to say this is probably one of the shortest blogs I have ever done mainly because I don't really have any thing to right about my summer planes yet because I don't have any at the moment but I will hopefully have some exciting ones soon at least before summer but you never know any thing could happen at any moment or nothing could happen for all I know ha ha.
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