<--- See this dog. Ya the dog right there the one the arrow is pointing to. This is Buddy Budword. We usually just call him Budword but some times we call him Buddy mostly when he's in trouble. He is the cutest dog in the freaking world ask any one. Every body that has ever met my dog falls in love with him even people that freaking hate dogs end up falling in love with this freaking dog. Like my dad and my grandma they cant stand dogs at all but when ever they see Buddy there eyes just light up. Even the pizza guys fall in love with him. Buddy is the most lovable dog in the freaking world he loves smothering every one with kisses all the time no lie he pushes you over pins you to the floor and kisses you all over he's so freaking adorable! He is only a few months old and he's all ready freaking giant i swear he was like 2oo freaking pounds he's a freaking fat dog. But the name Buddy fits him because this dog cant stand being alone being by his self even if some one is in the other room he goes crazy he all ways has to be by some ones side. Now you see buddy is a special dog because he dose not look like most boxers this is a pretty rare dog you don't really see very many boxers like Buddy. O another thing about buddy Is we swear he has a.d.d because he dose not act like normal dogs he dose the weirdest freaking thing we think he thinks he's a kangaroo and a horse and pretty much any thing but a dog. Buddy is the most racist dog in the world he dose not like any body that is not white he cant stand he wants to rip their freaking heads off and we cant figure out why its kinda funny. Well ya thats pretty much Buddy for ya pretty exciting dog I know. He fits in are family really good because he is strange just like us well me at least ha ha.
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