About Me

- Amie H.
- Well my name is Amie. I am 14. I live in Provo Utah. I am the middle kid in my family. I have blond hair and hazel eyes. I am a very random person. I get a long with other people pretty well most of the time and i look foreword to meeting new people every day. I love animals! I don't have a very exciting life at all and i am pretty fun to be around. I all most all ways have a positive attitude towered every thing. Well know you know a little about me. O and one more thing i am very loud most of the time. :D
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Fast Food.
Ha ha honestly fast food is funny I mean it taste really good but I just think its funny because every body is all ways complaining that every body is obese and that they need to cut back on the greasy food but yet they continue to build all these fast food joints. I think if there wasn't so many fast food joints people wouldn't be so fat. I mean like theirs people like my family where we eat fast food a lot more then we eat home cooked meals so if their was less places to go people would get sick of eating the same thing over and over that they would start eating home cooked meals more because they would have more of a choice on what to eat. Then again this world would probably be a sad place because every body is so use to having all of these choices on what they want to eat and where they want to eat because if they take away fast food places every one would all ways be pissed of because their would be times where they don't have time to cook its just easiest to just pic up food well your out and about and their wouldn't be any place you could go to get it. Ha ha but I am like most people they would say are obese because I eat fast food all most once every day but honestly most people know how to control what they eat so if they eat out all the time then they wont get to be over weight because they know when to stop eating and stuff where their is some people that just eat and eat and eat because they don't know when to stop. I think its good that they keep building all these new fast food places because I like have a big variety of things to chose from.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Free write
Grades why do they give you grades in every class at school??? I don't think any body really knows why ha ha I know I don't really know why they give us grades in ever class. Honestly if you ask me I think a grade in every class is cool because I don't want it to be every year you all ways with an A or every year you pass with an F because that would suck and their would be no point in it at all. I honestly think they should only have the choice of A,C and F because all grades really go off of are weather you show up to class and weather or not you turn in your assignments if you show up and only turn in half your work then you get a C if you turn in all of them you get an A and if you don't turn any in you get an F. Honestly I think if they were to grade you like that it would be so confusing. I think they should at least give you a C- witch is steal passing but they should give you a C- just for showing up for class I mean if they did that people wouldn't slack off as bad but that's just what I think I could be wrong though. Ha ha but if your like me I don't think it would really matter because every year my grades aren't all that great tell close to the end of the term. That's when most people get better grades. My grades are all ways straight F's but occasionally I have one D- ha ha in tell about 2 weeks before the end of the term that's when I get all but 2 or 3 of my classes up to C's or D-'s. Ha ha because you see i am a lot like most of the people I know I will do the work when we are supposed to so it would be done and we could turn it in on time. Ha but with me and over half the people I know we do the work and stuff so we can turn it in on time but ha we never turn it in on time because most teenagers are very forgetful so even if they have it done and they know they have it done they just cant ever remember to turn it in on time. So that's why so many kids turn in all this late work 2 weeks before the term is over because they know they don't have any other time to do it. so pretty much what i am trying to say is I honestly think grades are over raided and my life would be so much better with out them. :)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
If you had all the money you wanted, what would you do this coming weekend?
If I had all the money I wanted I would go by a really really nice expensive shiny car and a really nice shiny phone. I would go by lots of food sense we don't have in at home. I would go shopping at the mall by lots and lots of clothes and stuff. I would save a lot of money for the future weekends and needs and stuff. I would probably rent a hotel with my friends so I wouldn't have to put up with my parents for the weekend. :) I mean what's better then spending a weekend with all your buddy's and no parents and spending tones and tones of money. I mean I think that's like every body's dream I know its mine that's for sure. But I mean lets get really here This is probably never going to happen it might get pretty close but I doubt this will ever actually happen. I would probably go see a few movies. :) I would also by a would by a really nice 4 wheeler. Oh, I would by lots and lots of skull candy head phones because I go threw head phones like little kids go threw candy I don't know why I guess its just because I listen to music a lot. So I would by a hole bunch and stash them some where in my room because if I didn't every body in my house would steel them. so I would by at least 150 that should last me at least 2 years. I think thats pretty much all i would do if I had all the money I wanted for a weekend. :)
Thursday, April 15, 2010
What do you think about Cheerleaders?
Honestly I think that elementary school cheerleaders are freaking adorable. Middle school and high school cheerleaders need to freaking die in a hole. But college school cheerleaders are the freaking bomb their amazing! Honestly the only reason I cant stand middle school and high school cheerleaders is because their really annoying and they think their all that and a bag of cookies they think if your not popular they cant talk to you in fact a lot of them think if your not a cheerleader your not even worth talking to. But honestly I have all ways wanted to be a high school cheerleader ever sense I was a cheerleader in elementary I thought they where the coolest thing ever and I thought they where really pretty in tell I hit about like 7TH grade that's when I noticed that their not all that great. But I have all ways been told that I should be a cheerleader because I am really loud and pretty up beat most of the time and because I am really flexible. My mom even told me I should be one but she said if I become a cheerleader the minuet I start acting like all the other cheerleaders like I am all that and a bag of cookies she will take me off the squad. But I honestly I have all ways said if I ever act like them I will kick my self off the squad because I cant stand the way most cheerleaders act. If i was on a high school cheer squad the only time I would even talk to any of the cheerleaders on my team is at practice and I probably wont even talk to them a hole lot then. Most cheerleaders are act fake and I cant stand talking to people like that for longer then I have to or else I end up punching them in the face. I honestly think if their was more people like me that where cheerleaders the world wouldn't hate them so bad because they wouldn't be so fake! Honestly I like college cheerleaders because they have boys on their squads so they get to do all these intense stunts and stuff and its just exciting to watch where high school cheer squads are not all that great to watch their actually kinda boaring to watch but most of the time even if it looks boaring its a lot more exciting if your the one doing it. So honestly I hate most cheerleaders but theirs a few some times that I don't have a problem with.
Friday, April 2, 2010
My best friend/dog Buddy!

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